Avestina Professional Editing and Plagiarism Correction Service
Initially, papers are checked for similarity (plagiarism), Standard English usage, presentation and structure of the papers, and acceptance rate for various indexed journals in this field based on the required indexes. This will enhance paper quality and increase acceptance ratios by a significant amount.
Asvestina’s editing team provides editing services and plagiarism correction in accordance with journal policies. As a next step, the most appropriate journal will be introduced, a standard format will be adopted, and the paper will be submitted to the journals based on the author’s aim and paper quality.
What is plagiarism?
According to the University, plagiarism is presenting work or ideas from another source as your own without acknowledgment, with or without the permission of the original author. The definition applies to both published and unpublished material, including manuscripts, printed versions, and electronic formats, as well as materials generated by artificial intelligence (with the exception of when the use of AI for assessment has been pre-authorized, such as as a reasonable adjustment to a student’s disability). Using your own work without citation can also be considered plagiarism. Under examination regulations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offense.
Why should you avoid plagiarism?
Plagiarism should be avoided for many reasons. University is a place where you learn to think for yourself, not just reproduce the opinions of others – at least not without attribution. As you attempt to understand and assimilate the arguments of others, you may find yourself paraphrasing their writings at first. It is important, however, to develop your own voice. By learning to assess critically the work of others, weigh up differing arguments, and draw your own conclusions, you are not necessarily expected to become original thinkers. Plagiarism undermines academic scholarship and removes an essential aspect of learning from the classroom.
Acceptable Percentage Of Plagiarism Report
If the author is writing an original paper, he or she should aim for zero plagiarism. Many journals, however, allow a similarity of up to 15%. A chapter in a book has a limit of about 5%, and a thesis has a limit of less than 10%.
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